Copied content or plagiarism will deal a very heavy blow to your website or blog. Readers will not find it captivating because it is a repetition of what other blogs have offered. It will also not pass the test of SEO spiders and might end up being blacklisted. It is also an unforgivable crime to present academic work that has been plagiarized. It will be dismissed immediately and may lead to recalling of any qualification that had been awarded by the institution. To avoid such embarrassment, how do you escape plagiarism net on written papers or web content? Here are expert tips.

  1. Understand What Plagiarism Is

It is impossible to fight something that you do not understand what it is. Plagiarism is when you take the works of other people and pass it as your own. This may happen knowingly or unknowingly. In academic writing, you are required to quote other writers who have also addressed the subject. However, this can only be done up to a certain extent. This is why departments and plagiarism checkers have an acceptable percentage. As a writer, you should endeavor to produce the most original work.

  1. Hire a Professional Writer

It is a tiresome job to rewrite and paraphrase the words of other people. There are professional writer who can help you craft a captivating academic paper. These writers are highly trained and have the experience to help them avoid plagiarizing the works of other scholars. They offer affordable writing services and will deliver original work. They free you to focus on other responsibilities like work, family and relaxation. Professional writers will always deliver high quality original work.

  1. Use Approved Plagiarism Checkers

Pass your work through plagiarism checkers before submitting it or accepting it from a writer. Plagiarism checkers will highlight the areas that have been plagiarized. This helps you to make corrections before you submit. These plagiarism checkers have varying degrees of accuracy. You should therefore ensure that you use a checker that has been approved. If the plagiarism percentage is too high, you might have to redo the work. Where it can be rectified, you will make necessary changes.

  1. Learn to Paraphrase

Paraphrasing is the silver bullet against plagiarism. It ensures that the information you have found useful to your paper is written in your own words. Read and understand what the original writer intended to communicate before going forth to rewrite. By paraphrasing, you will still maintain the meaning but use different words to express the idea. You must remember to attribute the idea to the original author. Even without using quotation marks, you can still be accused of lifting ideas if they are not attributed. Ensure that no two words follow each other on your paper as they do on the original script.

  1. Write Original Content

The content you write should be as original as possible. Do not depend on the ideas and works of other people. There are excellent tricks on how to write original content including reading widely and flipping ideas. Use the ideas of other people to shape your own but do not copy. Original ideas will always be interesting to read.

Writing services that offer papers buy have installed plagiarism checkers on their websites. Do not accept a paper before it has been checked for plagiarism. Once you are satisfied that the paper is original, you can proceed to pay for it with confidence that it has not been plagiarized.