Find out how cold email mail merge helps companies scale their email marketing campaigns

Are you struggling with your response rate on cold emails? All too often companies have trouble using cold emails to increase their site traffic and conversions. In a lot of cases, this comes down to two common issues that can derail even the best written cold email. 

  1. Your mass cold email isn’t personal enough to grab attention
  2. Your company is unsure of how to personalize cold emails at scale

Luckily, with the right cold email mail merge service, it’s now possible to craft compelling and personalized emails to send out to your target audience. In this article, we’ll discuss how email merge services work, but first let’s discuss how to identify your audience.

Build a Personalized List Based on Specific Criteria

You should start personalizing your email before you begin scaling with a cold email mail merge

Market research can sometimes be the most difficult part of personalizing your cold emails.

Before you even begin writing your cold email, you need to start with a personalized email list. Instead of sending out a deluge of emails to as many addresses as possible, it’s better to take a more controlled and researched approach. In order to truly personalize your cold emails, you need to start by building a personalized email list.

The first step is to build a list based on the criteria of your target audience. For example, if your target audience is local business owners looking for marketing services, you could make your subject line “Let us help you grow your small business in [name of city],” and it will apply to everyone on your email list. Once you’ve narrowed down your target audience base and identified ways to personalize your emails for that group, it’s time to learn about how cold email mail merge can take your campaign to the next level.

Use Your Cold Email Mail Merge to Scale Your Personalized Email Content

If you’re sending out hundreds of emails, you’re going to need need a cold email mail merge to help you out

Email mail merge services make it easy to grab your audience’s attention.

If you haven’t heard of a cold email mail merge service before, now is the time to get acquainted. Email mail merge services allow you to customize and send hundreds of personalized emails at once. That’s right, you can avoid individually personalizing custom fields on hundreds of emails with this handy mass emailing tool. 

To get started, all you have to do is add a mail merge field to your cold email template. From there, the mail merge will pull each email address in your email list and automatically populate the recipient’s first name in the message. That way, each email you send out appears as though it has been written specifically for the individual.

Ways You Can Personalize Your Cold Emails Beyond Names

Once you’ve mastered mail merge services, it’s time to use the service to personalize more than just first names

Personalization is the key to grabbing your reader’s attention.

In the same way that you can add a mail merge field to address your recipient, there are other fields where you can apply mail merge fields. We’re going to examine some of the best ways to personalize your mass emails beyond just name recognition. 

  1. Mention how you found each prospect

To show your reader that you’ve done a bit of research, you can add a merge field to your email that populates how you located their email address. For example, you could start your email by stating, “I saw you’re a member of this [professional organization] and we are interested in your perspective on [program].” This is likely to be much more attention grabbing than a vague and depersonalized cold email. 

  1. Compliment their work

By specifically complimenting your recipient, you can both flatter and build trust in your audience. For example, if your target audience is people who have recently taken new jobs in tech, you could add something congratulatory in the subject line or first sentence of your cold email.

Another way to send a compliment is by addressing something that recently occured in the news. For example, if you are sending cold emails out to employees at a specific company, take one of their recent successes and integrate it as a merge field.

  1. Appeal to the recipient’s goals

Another great way to grab your audience’s attention is by appealing to their goals. It is usually easy to find someone’s career inspirations on LinkedIn or another form of social media. Once you’ve identified a professional goal, you can use the goal as a way to draw interest in the first sentence of your cold email. If you are trying to appeal to those on the job hunt you could begin your email with “Are you looking for a job with [company name]?” Since you’ve done your research, it’s likely that the recipient is looking for a job with that company or a comparable one. 

Now that we’ve explored exactly how you can personalize your emails at scale using cold email mail merge services, it’s time to get researching! Remember, finding and researching your target audience can be the hardest part of personalizing cold emails. Thankfully, we email merging services that can really help expedite the process and increase your response rate.