Needless to say that creating a college essay is an inseverable part of your studying. Each and every student writes many essays in college, and when you are thinking about making a good work, you have to think creatively, understand your work’s structure and use your vivid imagination. Any teacher can say a lot about any student by just looking through the way the certain student writes their essay. Actually, your work has two important components, these are content and structure. Your work’s content is what you are writing, your paper’s format is the structure. Remember that you have to define the format of your future work before writing. Keep in your mind that if you won’t fulfill all requirements listed for the chosen format, the teacher will not read your work just because they may decide you can’t fulfill even such simple instructions. So, this means not only the essay’s content, but also its format would be judged by your teacher.

Let’s discuss two levels of your essay’s formatting: there are macro level (your work’s general structure) and the micro level (includes your essay’s headings, margins, fonts, etc).

Macro level formatting tips:

  • There are no bad and good formats for the college essay. The secret of success is just read all requirements thoroughly and fulfill them all. We suggest printing out all instructions you got to have them behind your eyes.
  • When you’re planning your essay’s structure, it’s important that your work would have a bright introduction that will turn readers’ attention, and logical conclusion that will finish your essay properly. You can use any structure for the main part of your paper to make it logical and clear.
  • Better not to use a template, because you can get an unoriginal and unnatural work that won’t be very interesting to read. It’s better to think what are you going to tell readers and then just create a simple and logical structure.

Micro level formatting tips:

  • Even if you’re copypasting your work over into a text box, draft it in a word processing software.
  • When you’re copypasting some words and phrases, check the format of your work thoroughly. Make sure all its paragraphs and fonts are clear, and your paper doesn’t look cut off.
  • When attaching a document, check that your work’s font is readable.

If your teacher didn’t inform you about any certain requirements about your college essay formatting, we suggest following these main rules:

  • you have to use 12pt font for writing (Times New Roman is more preferable);
  • double-space your work;
  • use 1 inch margins for all sides;
  • don’t write more than 2-3 pages.

Your essay format

Your teacher can make requirements about your essay’s specific format: MLA or APA. These standard formats have curtain requirements. Before starting your work, we suggest printing out all instructions to keep them behind your eyes.

            MLA format requirements

If you chose this format, the title page for your work is not necessary. Your essay should have 12-point font (they recommend to use Times New Roman, but you are free to use different). Make sure your text is double-spacing and you use 1-inch margins all round. Upper right header of your work should contain your name and page number. If there are any citations in your paper, you should start with the last name of author and specify the page number that contains the used quote. See this page for more detailed information:

APA format requirements

This format recommendations: use 12-point readable font (Times New Roman is preferable, but feel free to choose another font that is easy to read). Your essay should be typed on paper with 1-inch margins all round, double-spaced. The running head should be placed at the top of each page of your paper. Keep in your mind that a header should contain your work’s title written with capital letters. Don’t make the header longer than 50 characters (including punctuation and spacing). If you are in need of more detailed information about the APA style, visit this page:

            College essay structure

When you are writing an essay, you should follow a structure of “sandwich”, where your main part is placed between the introduction and the conclusion. If one of these parts is written poor or missed at all, your work won’t be successful. That’s why it’s important to spend enough time working on each part. We recommend to start from the main part, then go to the conclusion and to write the beginning of your essay in the finish. Just because the introduction is a quite important part of your work that opens your essay, so if this part doesn’t hook the readers’ attention, then people won’t read the whole work and you won’t be able to get a high grade from your teacher. If you need more informative advice about how to write these parts of your essay, find useful tips on